Two amazing conferences in December on Energy Policy

This December there will be two conferences held both here in Vermont and in our nation’s capital to discuss and forge plans going forward for energy policy.
The first conference is happening this Saturday, December 4 — VPIRG is co-hosting the annual Community Energy and Climate ActionConference where Governor Elect Shumlin will be taking questions and outlining his vision for Vermont’s energy future.
Click here to find out more about the Community Energy and Climate Action Conference
This conference provides a hands on opportunity in shaping our clean energy priorities for the next year. Here are just some of the amazing details about what is being offered this year:

This year’s keynote, Jared Duval, is fantastic. Jared is a 10th generation Vermonter, a young, renowned climate action leader and a recently published author. Jared’s book, Next Generation Democracy: What the Open Source Revolution Means for Power, Politics, and Change, is already receiving rave reviews.
There are over a dozen fantastic workshops focused on some of the most interesting, timely and promising energy opportunities in Vermont. I will be leading a workshop on VPIRG’s new program, Solar Communities, which is aimed at making solar energy more affordable for individual home owners.
The organized ‘Regional Energy Roundtables’ offer a great opportunity to share your stories, identify potential opportunities for collaboration and discuss challenges and opportunities with others in your region.

The second conference VPIRG is co-sponsoring is happening in Washington D.C. called “Phase II of Renewable Energy Policy in North America” on December 8-9th. While most of our energy policy work is focused here in Vermont, this is an opportunity for groups and individuals around the country to come together and help shape our Federal Government’s agenda on climate change.
Click here to find out more about the conference and register on-line
There are a lot of exciting opportunities to have take part in how we move forward with renewable energy both here in Vermont and as a country.

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