Just hours ago, VPIRG’s organizers, advocates, student interns and member activists were helping our advocates behind the scenes to fight a bill (S.30) that threatened to throw the brakes on to renewable energy projects in the state. And now, after a lengthy Senate debate and vote, we’re celebrating a major victory for Vermont’s clean energy future!
Up until the final minutes of debate, the bill – S.30 – remained fundamentally anti-renewable energy piece of legislation, designed to make it harder to build wind and other renewable projects. Fortunately, thanks to an amendment offered by environmental champion, Sen. David Zuckerman (P-D, Chittenden Co.), the most troubling anti-clean energy provisions were removed from the bill. It was a close vote: 16-14. See who voted to support our continued development of clean energy, by amending S.30 to strip local bans and other hurdles.
Yes to Amendment (FOR the public interest position)
Senator Timothy Ashe (D/P-Chittenden District)
Senator Claire Ayer (D-Addison District)
Senator Philip Baruth (D-Chittenden District)
Senator Christopher Bray (D-Addison District)
Senator Ann Cummings (D-Washington District)
Senator William Doyle (R-Washington District)
Senator Sally Fox (D-Chittenden District)
Senator Virginia Lyons (D-Chittenden District)
Senator Mark MacDonald (D-Orange District)
Senator Richard Mazza (D-Chittenden-Grand Isle District)
Senator Richard McCormack (D-Windsor District)
Senator Anthony Pollina (P/D/W-Washington District)
Senator Richard Sears (D-Bennington District)
Senator Richard Westman (R-Lamoille District)
Senator Jeanette White (D-Windham District)
Senator David Zuckerman (P-Chittenden District)
No to Amendment: (AGAINST the public interest position)
Senator Joseph Benning (R-Caledonia District)
Senator John Campbell (D-Windsor District)
Senator Donald Collins (D-Franklin District)
Senator Margaret Flory (R-Rutland District)
Senator Eldred French (D-Rutland District)
Senator Peter Galbraith (D-Windham District)
Senator Robert Hartwell (D-Bennington District)
Senator M. Jane Kitchel (D-Caledonia District)
Senator Norman McAllister (R-Franklin District)
Senator Kevin Mullin (R-Rutland District)
Senator Alice Nitka (D-Windsor District)
Senator John Rodgers (D-Essex-Orleans District)
Senator Diane Snelling (R-Chittenden District)
Senator Robert Starr (D-Essex-Orleans District)
We’re not done yet. The bill, stripped of its most anti-renewable energy provisions, will be voted on once more by the full Senate, and then sent over to the House. We’ll work with our allies in the House to ensure that it poses no further threat to clean energy development in the state, and we’ll let you know when to weigh in with your representatives.