We believe that open channels of communication between Vermont citizens and their elected representatives are essential to a healthy, functioning democracy. And in a year like this one, that’s never been more critical.
That’s why we’ve compiled the Vote Safe Vermont Candidate Information Toolkit.
This comprehensive compilation of legislators’ websites, social media pages, and other communication platforms is designed to give Vermonters direct access to candidates for office and elected officials, providing the space for important dialogue on civic issues between citizens and elected officials.
Now more than ever is the time to be engaged with democracy on the local level. We hope this resource will serve as a means to empower you to take action and connect with your elected officials about the issues that matter most to you. With so much on the line in the 2020 election, your voice is critical to ensuring that Vermont’s elected leaders keep our state moving forward towards progress in these challenging times.
And, as you get to know the candidates in your district, keep in mind that voting in Vermont has never been easier. For the first time in Vermont history, every registered voter will be mailed their ballot for the general election. To make sure you receive your ballot in a timely manner, we recommend taking a minute to check your voter registration status and confirm your mailing address at mvp.vermont.gov.