Yesterday, Governor Shumlin presented the legislature with a study outlining the financing for Green Mountain Care. Here’s the long and the short of it: by transitioning to a universal publicly financed system in 2017, we can cover every Vermonter with quality insurance and in the process save $281 million in just the first three years. Though this is exciting news, there is a long way to go before we get to Green Mountain Care, and we are committed to making sure you know about all the changes you will see along the way.
The first big change we will see in our health care system is coming in less than a year. Starting in October, individuals and small businesses will start buying their insurance through Vermont Health Connect, also known as the exchange, which is required by the Affordable Care Act. To give you a better idea of what changes are coming and how they may affect you, we are partnering with the Department of Vermont Health Access to host an interactive webinar to discuss Vermont Health Connect and where it fits in our states transition to Green Mountain Care.
Sign up for the webinar today!
Join us for this interactive webinar, where you can be a part of the discussion from the comfort of your home or office. It’s easy to log on and participate from anywhere with an internet connection – and we’ll help you every step of the way. We hope to see you on the 12th!