On Wednesday, August 22nd, Montpelier’s City Council voted 4-2 to halt a decade’s worth of progress on a district heating project. While the vote is disappointing, the mayor convened a special session a week later, where, following a updates to the plan and an outpouring of public support, the councilor reversed it’s earlier decision with a 5-1 vote in support of the project.
Here’s a list of resources for you to learn more about the project .
VIDEO: The August 22nd City Council meeting included an excellent project overview from Montpelier’s City Manager, discussion among the councilors and input from the audience. You can also see firsthand how your councilors voted. Council discussion begins at minute 47:00. Public input begins at 1 hour 54 minutes.
POWERPOINT PRESENTATION: View the slides from the City Manager’s August 22nd presentation.
DISTRICT ENERGY PROJECT PAGE: View the City of Montpelier’s extensive list of documents and project milestones.